Friday, June 1, 2007

New Beginnings

Hello all!

Well this was a week of new beginnings. It began with Memorial Day and the unofficial beginning of summer! With that came a host of hot, muggy air that the Washington, DC area is known for...what being a swampland and all.

During the week I've been working on our first-ever web cast which will be from the MENC Centennial Congress. I've never done a web cast before--just our webinars. A web cast is different in that in addition to the presentation slides, question box, and links box, you will also be watching the live video of the speaker. It will be fantastic and we've got some great speakers lined up.

In any case, it's really amazing everything that goes into it though--technicians, camerapeople, audio people, me, the moderator, the participants, the ISDN lines, the "codec", the video conference unit.

Then today, June began. June. Really. I'm not kidding. June 2007 even. (They tell me 2007 began some time ago, seems like just yesterday...maybe the day before.)

And also in new beginnings, today we have a new member of the Government Relations and Outreach Department--HS. We're so very excited to have her on board and think she's going to make a fantastic addition to our team.

Let's hope to new adventures and beginnings next week as well!

Around the Water Cooler: I parked in the wrong space this morning. Remember the particular person who parks in a particular place every day? Well, I realized I accidentally parked in his space (I meant to park next to it because it's in the shade and my black seats are hot at the end of the day)! I'm sure he's fine with it...but yet I still feel guilty! Sorry about that! I'll have to move it at lunch. (And of course I found myself backing in...hahaha!)