Here at MENC this week, in my world, it will be a little busy getting the NEB board book ready for mailing by Friday. The board perfers to have their books a good three weeks out from the meeting. The NEB will begin meeting on Saturday evening, June 23, and go through noon on Monday, June 25. In my world we are also preparing notebooks for the Centennial Congress and National Assembly Leadership -- that adds up to about 375 notebooks, whewww - and then the 22 notebooks we prepare for board and staff and then the 22 notebooks for their "Chock-Full-of-Stuff" information, and on and on. Luckily I had Friday and Monday off or I would be a notebook maniac by now - please NO comments.
ALSO, the Keokuk Symposium takes place this week and with any luck we may have photos of the dedication of the new MENC plaque. You remember they had 104 members show up in 1907 -- I do believe Keokuk II will have over 100 people showing up. WOW - way to to SRME History SRIG!
This weekend, I e