Tuesday, April 24, 2007

What's Going On

Just some small updates about what's going on around here lately. Last week, MENC's conventions department staff traveled to Milwaukee for MENC 2008 National Conference (April 9-12!) meetings and site visits. So far this week, John Mahlmann and Mike Blakeslee have been out of the office for a meeting in Chicago. We staff left behind have been handed our budget worksheets for the coming fiscal year. You can only imagine our excitement!

Some staff are involved in a Webinar this Thursday evening for state president-elects. We're going to use this "virtual meeting" technology to give these members some (hopefully) helpful information as they take on their new positions. Barbara Geer, national president-elect, will be leading the Webinar.

The Web team has been busily proceeding on a number of projects, including posting the new journals recently submitted to us by the MENC publications staff: General Music Today, Journal of Music Teacher Education, and UPDATE: Applications of Research in Music Education.

There's a Centennial Celebration meeting on Wednesday, and we'll have a big National Anthem Project Team meeting on Thursday. The team consists of one member of every MENC department (responsible for clueing in other members of that department after the meeting) as well as anyone involved with any aspect of the campaign -- and anyone else on staff who is interested in attending. We're in the countdown to the Grand Finale now so there will be many details to discuss.

In an effort to delay dealing with my budgets, I'm taking Friday off for a visit to the Virginia countryside and lunch with an old friend. Now semi-retired, she worked at MENC for many years. The weather's looking iffy, but I always enjoy catching up with this wonderful person, one of the most enthusiastic music supporters I know. Plus she has a delightful husband and a fabulous cat. What could be better?

Have a great week! -- EWL

P.S. Have you checked out MENC on Wikipedia? It would be great if we had members help expand our listing.