Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Midweek Meanderings and Miscellany VI

Some weeks fly by, others don't, this week is rushing past! How did it get to be Wednesday already!?

As ARN mentioned on Friday 20th, the nature around MENC is prolific! Carrying on the nature theme, and picking up ML's 4/23 "inspiration"'s pretty inspirational to work here at MENC, primarily due to the neat people we help (Music teachers/students), but also largely because of the beautiful setting. Each day I come in, I feel I "lucked out"- after working in the concrete environs of downtown DC, Reston is a wonderland!

There are walking/running/biking trails all through the woods and office complexes surrounding MENC's building. At lunchtime with work friends, and during pre-work early morning walks, I've explored a lot of these paths. It's so soothing to have the "escape" of nature!

What I REALLY enjoy and appreciate is the SPRING SYMPHONY that accompanies one as they walk (as long as they don't wear headphones !!). The BIRDS that live around here in the spring chime like bells - the serenade is just has to be one of the most beautiful sounds ever.....especially after a long silent winter. It's something I look forward to all year, and has made my working time at MENC that much more enjoyable AND productive! (this is the short version; the "waxing poetic" version is saved in a separate file for anyone who is interested in knowing the details of what birds I saw, and other adventures along the trails!)

Lest you think I don't work! This week, working on getting the final draft of the MENC Position Paper (click to see them!) on assessment ready for posting for member comment. Did you know you can give us your input/feedback on our position statements? We just had a round on Home schooling, Pullout programs, and Health in Music education. Those three final papers should be on the website in a week or so. No doubt more will be in the offing in months to come.....

Getting ready to do the final round of surveys via EurekaFacts LLC (, the company MENC hired to ask our members about conferences, publications, and the National Standards. Some of you may have already been contacted in past months for the publications/conference survey. The information we collect on the standards will help MENC and the field discuss the future of the standards, based on what teachers are actually teaching in the classroom. If you have questions about this, you can write and reference the BLOG!

As EWL mentioned above - budget time is here! This is one time of year I usually feel lucky in the sense that I don't have pages of items to detail, given I'm a one person department.....

REQUESTS from students finishing up final term papers, and researchers getting their summer projects underway. Several from schools facing cuts....and others looking for funding!

Also as EWL mentioned - Dr. M and Mike B. have been out of town - when they're away, the "flurry" of activity in this part of MENC's hallways is signficantly less! When they're in town, it's a constant line of visitors/staff to their offices....we often joke "take a number"! like at the deli or bakery (if you're from NY, you will understand what I mean!). Anyway, it's been blissfully "unhectic" outside my office the last two days, perhaps which has allowed me to wax poetic (in the longer unpublished version of this blog...). Sometimes I wonder how Mike and Dr. M keep up the pace they do! But it's Wednesday now, everyone is back and I'm sure the vibes around here will be amped up!

From Britain, a music program for prisoners: Times Online, 4/13/2007

Inspiration and Creativity in the Workplace: US News and World Report 4/30/07

AROUND THE WATER COOLER: Not thirsty! No comment!

SEE you next Wednesday! SR