Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Midweek Meanderings and Miscellany XXV: Truly Miscellaneous!

It's September and the Labor Day weekend was SO beautiful, it certainly was hard to come back to work. Two colleagues are on vacation this week, and what a perfect week to be away! The crowds are gone and the weather is still summer like.

Some good news, something MENC has been pushing for -

From January 28 through March 7, 2008, selected eighth-graders across the nation will be assessed in the arts, specifically in music or visual arts. This is a follow up of the previous NAEP (National Assessment of Educational Progress) arts assessment which was conducted a decade ago.

For more info about NAEP, see the new home page, and the ARTS REPORT CARD page for more about the 1997 assessment in the arts.

The full participation of all the selected schools and students is crucial to the success of this important assessment. Read about why NAEP is important.

As things are pretty status quo in my neck of the woods of MENC, I'll just leave you with some interesting articles to peruse, BELOW!. Hope to have more adventures to tell in coming weeks!

Happy first week of school!
See you next week - SR

CLICK to read:
Controversy over WHO PAYS for radio music

Teachers gain in prestige, rank in top 5, says new Harris poll

RADIUS: chamber music in a "casual and welcoming environment with coffee and cookies after!"

Cello, the "Sexiest" instrument

Street children of Venezuela, "El Sistema" orchestra - playing at the British Proms, and transfer method to Scotland?

Brain on Music/Ear Wigs (why do songs stay in your head?)