Friday, June 8, 2007

Supplying the Office

Hello all!

Have you seen the movie Office Space? It's a sardonic look at the work environment. One of the characters is Milton and he has a red Swingline stapler that he is very protective of.

With our new employee, HS, getting into the swing of things this week, we were thinking about office supplies this week and it got me thinking about how everyone has their own likes and dislikes when it comes to supplies. I have a black Bostich rectangular stapler, but if I had a red Swingline stapler I would definitely protect it!

This week HS put in an order for office supplies. We have two different ways of ordering supplies. We have an in-house supply closet run which you can "order" supplies from twice a week. For things not in-house, we do a special order for.

So we needed pens! You see, sometimes one leaves a pen at another's desk during a meeting and then that person starts using that pen. Often, those are the pens that become one's favorite pens--of course.

We also discussed pen color this week because we didn't know if the department wanted all of the same color pen ordered or different colors. I like black and don't like blue. It's usable, but I will seek out the black pen. Apparently I'm the only one who really we have black pens now! There was an ink vs. ballpoint debate as well which the black pens were split upon.

I'm also a big fan of the blue sharpie and prefer staples to paper clips. In the comment section below list what office supply you couldn't do without!

In other departmental news, we are actually going pretty crazy in our department with The National Anthem Project Finale. SKJ is manning the helm and CW is securing congressional attendees so everything is gearing up for next week! It's going to be an amazing couple of days and I hope you can participate--even if it's just in your classroom at 2:00 pm ET on Thursday singing the anthem with us. We also have something exciting legislatively in the works, but I'll keep you on pins and needles until it's confirmed.

Around the Water Cooler: So You Think You Can Dance starts in earnest on Wednesday! Be sure to tune in to see dancers from all different genres take on different styles of choreography!