Monday, May 7, 2007

Countdown in My World

Where in the world and in mine is WaKeeny, Kansas? I don't have a clue -- except that George Heller in his 1982 Reflection on MENC's 75th Anniversary Perspective looking toward the 100th states, "In reflecting on the seventy-five year history of the Music Educators National Conference and projecting toward the centennial in 2007, it is clear that music education in America has a firm foundation on which to build its future. . . .In sum, it seems likely that surface problems such as economic hardship, political controversy, and changing structures will cause difficulties for the profession in general and MENC in particular. On another level, however, music will go on, it will have to be taught, and music teachers will want to share their experiences with one another. An organization which has survived World War I, the Great Depression, World War II, Sputnik, Vietnam, and Watergate will celebrate a richly deserved centennial in WaKenny, Kansas, in 2007." I looked up WaKenny (on the map it was WaKenney) off of Interstate 70 and found the following stats: Population 3319; population over 25 is 2342. Interesting factoid is that those 3319 are living in 1258 households. The good news is there is a bed and breakfast built in 1906 which, of course, would be available for an MENC convention?

Yes, the countdown is under way for two events: (1) Keokuk II Symposium in Keokuk, Iowa (May 31-June 2) -- which by the way also has a bed and breakfast and is an absolutely charming community as seen from photos that MENC Immediate Past President David Circle took when visiting the community last year; (2) MENC Centennial Celebrationb (June 25-28) at the Coronado Springs Resort Hotel & Convention Center. If you have not made plans to attend, do so now. You can find information on the MENC web site.

As with any celebration, the planning started a long time ago in a galaxy far far away -- OK, I'm daydreaming -- it seemed like a long time ago. We are putting together agendas, notebooks, background materials, along with getting ready for a National Executive Board meeting that will take place a few days before the actually Centennial meeting June 25. Oh my, it should be so much fun and I would hate for you to miss it. Harley has made several trips to Orlando to check out the places we are going to have you meet. Here he is in the lobby of the Coronado Hotel. And don't forget the MENC Centennial Dessert Blast on Thursday, June 28, at Epcot. Come and have dessert and then be treated to the fireworks at Epcot. Harley also loves Epcot and made many friends one year.

Looking forward to meeting you in Keokuk and Orlando. Make plans now and go to the MENC site to register for BOTH events. Thank goodness, I did discover where Wakeeny, Kansas was today. Also did you know that they have a "Threshing Machine Canyon" that you can visit. Harley just might have to jump a plane and go see where in 1867 a party of travelers were transporting three threshing machines belonging to Brigham Young along the Smoky Hill Trail and while encamped..... sorry you will have to wait till next week to find out what happens.