Monday, November 5, 2007

In My World -- Harley RULES!

The NEB meeting (held in Milwaukee, WI) ran like a well-oiled machine with Harley and MENC President Brinckmeyer in charge. Harley acted as the NEB parlimentarian in his own planetarium and helped Madam President get through a very business-packed board agenda with many weighty issues. (Harley would like you to know his weight is just fine, thank you.) The Executive Committee/Finance Committee met Thursday evening over dinner and then recessed in order to meet and greet other board members as they came to the Milwaukee Hilton Hotel. President Brinckmeyer will be sending out her President's Message in a week or so to the MENC Leadership reviewing actions from the meeting. Although Harley would like to share these with you, he knows his place (at times) and defers to Madam President. Such a wise doggie he is..... The NEB met all day Friday, Saturday, and until 11:00 am on Sunday (November 4).
On Saturday evening the NEB met with movers and shakers of the Milwaukee Music Educators! It was fun to see Mike George (past North Central Division President and former WMEA executive director), Christine Hayes (past WMEA president and co-chair of local committee), Richard Mannisto (local committee co-chair), Barry Applewhite (Milwaukee Public Schools and local committee member), Ken Liske (WMEA president), Jon Gilliland (WMEA president-elect), and Will Schmid (past MENC national president).

After the meetings were done and all was said off everyone went to the Milwaukee Airport. AND who would have thought that we would meet up with the Colorado Music Educators Association President, Michelle Ewer who was visiting the area with her daughter to look at possible colleges! President Brinckmeyer and President Ewer had lunch in the airport with Harley, JJM, MB, and ML. What a great way to finish a good NEB Meeting. . . . So, always remember -- you never know who you are going to run into and where that might happen! When Michelle ran up to us in the airport we all knew we knew her from somewhere and then we said -- WOW - what are you doing in Milwaukee -- and of course she asked us the same question! Life is good.

So in my World -- When all is said and done - - the best thing to always remember is to make sure your computer is plugged in OR you have enough juice to keep on ticking! Or maybe it is just get on your hands and knees and pray! Yes, today, Harley Rules in my World! OH YES, on November 12, ML will be with MENC for 28 years - she is feeling old........ at least she can still get on her hands and knees. Thank God for Harley to do the fetching!