Friday, September 21, 2007

My Prerogative

Hello! And a very happy musical Friday to all!!

What a glorious day it is, indeed! This is the kind of delightful early autumn afternoon that just makes you want to stand up and break into song! (I guess it's rather appropriate that I work for a music education organization--now isn't it??). In any event, since I'm feeling so especially cheery and musically inspired today, perhaps the lead off topic for this posting should be... MUSIC!! (what else???)

Every Friday here at MENC you see, each member of the Government Relations & Outreach Department staff selects a personal "Album of the Week" pick. The album of the week feature is a lot of fun for all of us (it builds character--or something like that...), but it's also an awesome opportunity for everyone to discover some new and exciting music, and to learn all about the (sometimes frightening) musical tastes of the wonderful people who work here! (I kid, I kid) So today I thought, "hmm... maybe this week it would be fun to try to bring everyone in on the fun! Heck, "Inside MENC" alone (haha get it?), there must be practically a zillion different opinions of what qualifies as good music. So this week, I'm encouraging all of the blog's readers to submit your own personal favorite albums of the week! Your album selection can come from any genre of your choosing (just try to stay classy, Reston) and should include both the artist AND album name of your pick. Hopefully we'll get some great feedback in the comment section this week and we can talk about the new tune suggestions in future postings!

In other news... ONE member of our department may or may not be auditioning for a role as an extra in an upcoming film that may or may not be the "Sex and the City" movie. ONE member of our department may or may not have her desk BURIED in an absolute avalanche of "The Power of Music" advocacy brochures (they're finally here!!), and all the members of our department are very excited about seeing a variety of upcoming moving picture shows and Redskin games this weekend! WOOHOO!!

And now for a couple of government relations and advocacy related announcements.


Read today's MENC Legislative ALERT! Starting next week, order your "The Power of Music" advocacy brochures! Order an awesome brick for the front walk! Get involved with local music education advocacy! And don't forget to tip your waiter!

Have a great weekend all!! I expect some great new music recommendations on here next week!!

And now... here are the Friday...

"Government Relations & Outreach Department Album Picks of the Week!!!"

Mika - Life in Cartoon Motion
HLS: Dispatch - Bang Bang
CBLW: Matt White - Best Days