Friday, November 16, 2007


I think that one word says it all.

What an AMAZING week for music education, AND for music lovers generally (which amounts to everyone who works here at MENC!). This week started with the release of a truly exciting new music education Harris Poll highlighted by a splashy press event at the National Press Club here in D.C. Steven Van Zandt of Bruce Springsteen's E Street Band and "The Sopranos" fame was on hand for the Harris Poll unveiling (he was a huge hit) and the entire press conference received glowing media attention (SO cool!).

As if all of that weren't enough already though, the next day myself, MB and EWL attended a series of energy-filled, engaging Hill meetings with several prominent U.S. Senators and one truly amazing Congressman (Steven Van Zandt accompanied us). While it was obviously BEYOND cool to get to spend the day with a true rock legend (it also reeeeeeeeeeally doesn't hurt your advocacy cause to bring one along with you FYI--people seem to like you a LOT more ;-)), the absolute highlight of the day for me was the half an hour spent in the office of Georgia Congressman John Lewis...

For those who may not already know, Congressman Lewis is a true American hero. It was terrific to get to engage Mr. Lewis in a meaningful conversation about music education, but it was absolutely AMAZING to get to listen to him describe his many ordeals and experiences during the civil rights movement. Congressman Lewis showed us photo after photo of himself, Dr. King, and many other prominent civil rights leaders and politicians of the time period. I was absolutely shocked. Many of these photos I had actually seen before, but most likely my attention had previously been entirely focused in on Dr. King, so never had I viewed the images from this perspective...

I'd never noticed that Mr. Lewis was there too... standing tall, right alongside the others. What a remarkably strong, dedicated and brave man he was, and still is today. Steven Van Zandt was just as impressed as the rest of us. It was a stirring, memorable experience for all involved. I won't soon forget it.

As for the rest of the week... it's been a whirlwind of follow-up excitement for the Harris Poll results! Newsletters, alerts, PR and more! We've all been running ragged to get the message out to everyone about all of this fascinating new information! Whew! I'm kinda thankful that Friday is finally here ;-)
No new albums this week... sorry gang... half of our department is out of town, so it just doesn't seem like it would be right! If you're looking for something good to listen to this week though, put on some Bruce Springsteen--it should put you in the mood to celebrate music education ;-)
Take care!!