Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Midweek Meanderings and Miscellany XXXII: Countdown to Halloween! And BIG SKY!

It's feeling pretty spooky around the hallowed halls of MENC ! The industrious goblins and ghouls of this month's social committee have fully decorated our lunchroom, foyer, hallways and bathroom doors with cobwebs, BEWARE! hazard tape, dangling paper/plastic spider, gooey gel blood splotches, witches and cats and pumpkins and ghost cutouts aplenty! The candy jar contest on MJ's reception desk is in full force, and the pot luck lunch list is slowly filling up. Perhaps another industrious member of this blog will post some scary shots of MENC Halloweens past! It's our one time a year (except when we have clean up days!) we're given leave to wear non-business clothes, and staff take full advantage of it! Use your imagination - it's been done at MENC (including Mike the Eyeball from Monsters, Inc.!)

The student research requests just keep pouring in! As well as requests for advocacy help and other resources. And, things are whipping up into a frenzy of meetings here at MENC as the Executive department and other departments discuss new initiatives, and prepare their reports for next week's National Executive Board meeting in Milwaukee!

Did you know that MENC takes its books and some merchandise to various state conferences during the school year? (The MENC Resource Shop). MENC asks each state MEA (Music educator association, our state affiliate) if they would like MENC to be at their state conference with our resources.

This year, MENC will be going to 29 states! (8 in January!). States MENC will be visiting (and have already visited): Delaware, Montana, Wisconsin, Arkansas, North Carolina, Nebraska, Virginia, Iowa, New York, Florida, Alabama, Arizona, Alaska, Oklahoma, Idaho, Michigan, Illinois, Kentucky, Ohio, South Carolina, Texas, Washington, Minnesota, California, North Dakota, Massachusetts, Milwaukee in April at the MENC National Conference, Nevada and Maine!

Whew! Hats off to the intrepid MENC staff who handle these resource shops!

Most intrepid of all is Associate Executive Director JR, who travels to 8 resource shops this school year!

JR just returned from MONTANA, where the MEA had their conference October 17 - 19. (click HERE to read synopsis of meeting!).

When asked how it went, JR tells us: "It was raining when I first arrived in Billings. Thursday it was beautiful...I could understand why they call it "big Sky Country!". Friday it was cloudy. The MEA folks said it usually either rains or snows when they have their conference, so I guess I was lucky that it rained. The people were great....there were about 400 in attendance (I was told). MENC President LB was there, and gave the keynote address on Thusday, and she also gave a great Collegiate session! Past Montana and NW Division President RW (as well as Montana President BM) were our chauffeurs, since our hotel was a 25 minute drive from the high school where the meeting was held."

Resource shops are a great way for MENC national office staff to meet with members all over the country! We hope to bring you more stories from the Resource shops in coming blogs!

Will leave you with a just a few articles and resources, below -
See you next week! SR


Arts Education Partnership (AEP) recently released the publication, Arts Integration Frameworks, Research and Practice: A Literature Review by Gail Burnaford, Ph.D with Sally Brown, James Doherty and H. James McLaughlin. It covers what has been written in the field between 1995 and 2007 in the U.S. and abroad and includes an historical overview, definitions and theoretical frameworks for arts integration, research and evaluation studies as well as methods and practices for each of the art forms. A valuable resource to anyone involved in the research, theories, or methods and practices of arts integration as it covers the most relevant work in the field to date.


MATH comes with MUSIC