Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Midweek Meanderings and Miscellany XXVIIII: True Hodge Podge!

Hello everyone,

It's fall, it's busy and I will just leave you today with a few interesting bits to read on the web.
Not much new, just working away on the student and member requests for info, it's prime season for them, they're pouring in, the students needing help with their school work, teachers looking for resources! Glad I'm busy! There's lots going on at MENC, but I will leave that for other bloggers to blog about, as these initiatives are happening in other departments.........

Heard on the news 9/26 that it was the 50th (!!) anniversary of West Side Story! NPR did a great series on it, interviewing folks associated with the original Broadway production. Click HERE and HERE and HERE for great stuff! (videos, sound clips, interviews).

Every heard of a TRUMPET Harmonica? This you gotta see! Click HERE for a picture and short description, it's a kicker, makes me want to have one! Enticement description: "full concert octave harmonica faithfully reproduces the original 1907 design, and includes five meticulously crafted brass bells which produce the instruments vibrant sound

Read about the problem with fine wood, how its shortage is effecting the making of wooden instruments! Click HERE

and Frankie Valli has made a comeback, read all about it HERE! (and check out PATSYs while you're at it........but better make reservations! Took Mom in law there for her birthday in June, one of those things she always wanted to do, Frank Sinatra's second home back in his day! A legendary place and the REAL DEAL when it comes to Italian!)

Have a great week, perhaps next week I'll have more substance and stories!