Monday, September 24, 2007

The Ultimate Monolith of Cool in My World?

While Harley and I were off frolicking on our week off the end of August, the dauntless MENC staff were having a “social” celebrating staff birthdays and anniversaries. Well, do tell, PF, our fearless web guru announces that a staff member has a 24-year anniversary and that this staff member is the “ultimate monolith of cool.” OK, would you know who he is talking about? Well, it couldn’t be me, I have 27 years. It couldn’t be Harley, he has almost 4 years, I mean both Harl and me are pretty cool in our own mind and world….. So, who could it be? It turns out to be our fearless leader, Dr. M. (Remember the pudding caper with our former Director of Government Relations?????) Yes the same Dr. Pudding. (They even changed his sign from "Executive Director to "UltimateMofC") Before we (Harley and Me) start this, please note – those who know me know for a fact I don’t “suck-up” to anyone, especially Dr. Pudding-whatever-his-name-might-be-for-this-week (yes, I have several)…. I have worked as this man’s assistant for all those 24 years, if I didn’t kind of like him, I would have been out-of-here a long time ago.

Did you know he is an eloquent spokesman for arts education and he has built a reputation throughout the nation as an effect leader in the field? He has had a distinguished career “that weaves together the twin strands of art and music into a single distinctive contribution to arts education in America. I have not the foggiest who wrote that sentence but it is as cool as PF’s quote: “The Ultimate Monolith of Cool.” He (JJM not PF) has a bachelor’s and master’s degree in fine arts from Boston U, and a doctorate in education from Penn State. He worked for the National Art Education Association from 1970 to 1982. He joined MENC in 1983 when our previous executive director, Don Dillon, moved to Texas. (Dr. Dillon brought me to MENC in 1979 from Oklahoma......little did MENC know what they were getting......ME)

Dr. M can indeed look formidable (see Dr. Pudding-Caper photo to the right) – it is his look. I’m not saying he is a pussycat (he is highly allergic to them) but I have seen airport personnel let him go right through the line – they would not ask him to step over to search his carryon – no sirree - they do that to me. Could be cause I smile at them? I make eye contact? Do I look dangerous? Never mind. He is, overall, a great guy and if you, the MENC member, ever have the chance to talk with him – do it, you will enjoy the conversation.

On a personal note he is married to a great lady, has one son, one daughter-in-law, and the most adorable little granddaughter you have ever met. If you want to see the Monolith crumble, bring in that little girl running as fast as she can toward him with her little arms outstretched. Works every time!

Congratulations, Dr. Pudding, for 24 years of service to MENC and putting up with me……and Harley…..