Friday, July 20, 2007

These Small Hours

Well friends, the time has come. Today is my last day here at MENC. There's a song that is good for illustrating my time here called "These Small Hours" sung by Rob Thomas.

Please indulge me in posting some of the lyrics. :)

our lives are made
in these small hours
these little wonders,
these twists & turns of fate
time falls away,
but these small hours,
these small hours still remain

all of my regret
will wash away some how
but i can not forget
the way i feel right now

in these small hours
these little wonders
these twists & turns of fate
these twists & turns of fate
time falls away but these small hours
these small hours, still remain,
still remain
these little wonders
these twists & turns of fate
time falls away
but these small hours
these little wonders still remain.

You really just don't know where life will take you and there are certainly twists and turns of fate that creep up--and this is one such instance for me. I think I will remember the small hours here at MENC the most, so I'm going to post just a very few.
  • My interview! Meeting my soon-to-be co-workers for the first time. I parked on the left-hand side. (But I would recommend the right side now.)
  • Watered down Starbucks iced tea!!
  • Friday morning blog-pondering and making my staff comment. ;)
  • Centennial Congress with the MENC dream team...
  • "Mama" making me eat my veggies at Prime Time Cafe...covered in whipped cream and sprinkles. EWWWW.
  • Ice cream when the air conditioning went out.
  • "Your mailbox has exceeded it's size limit."
  • Lining up to speak with MB!! And chatting with LE during the wait. (Maybe I should have scheduled more meetings ahead of time.)
  • My yogurt...plain yogurt with frozen raspberries.
  • National Anthem Project Launch.
  • Then TNAP Road Show and the weekly Monday meetings.
  • Then the Finale...and having my own staff who helped make it happen.
  • Chatting with my co-workers about anything and everything--work-related or not. Including American Idol, So You Think You Can Dance (nominated for two Emmys), nutrition, Rachael Ray, and BEING A SUPERTASTER!!!
  • "No, she's just excited." ~CW, second week on the job
  • NAS. And Allyson is spelled with a "y."
  • "See me."
  • Post-it art!!!
  • Laser Vision Correction...
  • Picture days! The women of the third floor tend to dress very similarly so a wise woman decided one day we should plan it and take our pictures! We recently took the "summer" edition of the picture. Thank you BS for organizing and convincing a professional photographer to take it this time!

  • Talking with EWL in the waning afternoon hours...
  • My staff are definitely the wonders mentioned in the song. I don't have to words to describe how wonderful they are, but the good news is now I am happy to just be their friend.

And with that, I will now turn over Fridays to the brand new Director of Government Relations and Outreach, Chris Woodside! Not only will you be amazed by his blog-writing skills, you will also be amazed by his talent.

To the small hours behind us, and the ones to look forward to!