Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Reporting from Orlando

Wish you were here! We had an exciting first day at MENC's Centennial Congress. I wish I could tell you more about the substance of the event, but my co-workers (MJ and fellow bloggers ARN and ML) and I were kept very busy at registration most of the day as the attendees arrived. Today we're involved in the Webcast featuring Mike Huckabee, Anne Bryant, and Brenda Welburn, so we'll get a better idea of what's going on behind the confererence room doors.

I do know that folks are having a good time. One member raved to me about yesterday's address by music education historian Michael L. Mark, and apparently the discussion groups were productive and lively. Monday evening, we all celebrated MENC's birthday with an old-fashioned picnic -- hot dogs, hamburgers, ice cream bar, and birthday cake, along with barbershop quartete singing, jugglers and magicians. (Fortunately for me and my hair, the picnic was actually inside in the air conditioning. We do not do well in the Florida summer climate.)

So I learned at the picnic that I am no good at "Launch the Lobster." Dr. Mahlmann suggested I try this game, and I completely whiffed the target on the first attempt. Very embarrassing. Subsequent tries were not much more impressive. I think I was a little better than ARN at least. Board member Barbara Payne McLain revealed a previously-hidden talent for this game, putting the lobster in the pot two out of three tries.

It is a real treat to get to visit with so many long time and new MENC friends. As I approach my 16th anniversary as an MENC staff member, being here at our Centennial is a wonderful reminder of why I am so proud to work for music education. I'm in touch with members all the time via e-mail, but it's great to connect in person with all these folks who do such important work.

Here are some great pictures! More to come! - EWL

Working the registration desk

The women of the NEB

Selling Centennial items at the picnic!