Friday, June 22, 2007

I love rock 'n roll

Hello all!

I want to tell you all about yesterday. Yesterday was cool. And it was cool for a number of reasons.

Yesterday Steve Van Zandt came to talk with us about a possible collaboration with his foundation on a series of lesson plans on rock and roll. For those of you who might not know him, he is a brilliant musician most famously known for playing in Bruce Springsteen's E Street Band as well as from his work playing Silvio on the Sopranos.

Because it was about a potential collaboration, several department heads attended including EWL and myself. I have to say that I was quite impressed with the plan his team laid out. He'd already reached out to, and partnered with, Scholastic who are well-known in the education world for their quality materials. They also understand the need for standards-based information in doing these lessons so I'm hopeful we can all work together in the coming months as it seems these will be great tools for students and teachers alike! What a great meeting!

Steve also understands how he can help music education and his role in doing so. He is willing to come to Capitol Hill to talk about music education's importance and knows that Members will react well to him as a celebrity. He also wanted to know all about what's going on in music education policy and was very thoughtful about helping us further our agenda. Again, what a great meeting!

Plus, we had lunch catered in! What a great meeting!

And then when I got back to my desk I couldn't sit down because I was so excited about all of the good things for music education and educators. What a great meeting!

And a picture!!! What a great meeting! (sure there may have been a few other people in this picture besides Steve, EWL, and I...but I'll never tell!!)

Around the water cooler: LOVE So You Think You Can Dance...if you're not watching should be! It's such a wonderful showcase of dance on mainstream television and you learn so much about the different dance styles.