Monday, April 2, 2007

Can You Hear Me Now?

Can you hear me now in my world?

It was a wonderful weekend and here I am once again in my world. My life right now is routine stuff, like playing catch-up after a board meeting. Making a list and checking it twice that all of the letters that need to be sent are being taken care of by whomever…

Do you know who Harley is? Well, if you don’t, you should. I love my Harley. He has been everywhere with me: London, Paris, Berlin, Estonia, Orlando, New York City. And, when not traveling, he pretends he is my hood ornament on the dashboard of my little red beetle buggy. Have you guessed it? NO, it’s not Harley the cycle. It’s Harley – the Tri-M Mascot. I am so proud that he is front and center on the MENC Centennial Birthday Tree in the lobby. EL told you about it last week and it is now absolutely beautiful.

It will stay up for a while. Did you know that April 12, 1907, is considered the Birthday of MENC! For many years, George Heller, bless his soul, would call my phone on April 12 and sing Happy Birthday to MENC on my voice mail. I miss George, he was taken from us too young. We have monthly staff socials at which time we “celebrate” birthdays and anniversaries here at MENC. This year it will take place on April 12 and I am sure we will have a birthday cake and have a big sing along of Happy Birthday. Come to think about it – maybe I should give Harriet Mogge, past MENC Director of Meetings & Conventions, and Gene Morlan, former MENC Director of Professional Programs, a call to come over on that day for the social. Gene worked for MENC for 33 years! He began as MENC assistant executive secretary when Vanett Lawler (1955-1968) was in charge. Harriet started attending MENC functions when her father was MENC National President, Russell V. Morgan (1930-32). In 1930 her father hired MENC’s first “Executive Secretary,” Clifford V. Buttelman, (this is what the executive director was called back then). She worked for MENC from 1974-1993. She lives close by and is always ready and willing to help us out with all sorts of tasks!

Back to “I Love My Harley” – I met Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Harley, Modern Music Masters Founders, in the early 1980s when they started talks with MENC about moving the Honor Society to MENC. They were a wonderful couple and had such energy and spirit. It was a joy to be around them. When Harley was introduced, Mrs. Harley was still alive and living in a nursing home. It is my understanding that she was given one and took to little Harley right away. She use to write poetry and send to us periodically during the 80s and early 90s. One poem -- I remember was “Ode to a Bedpan” – she had a hospital stay and this generated about 20 poems. Believe it or not – it was not a bad poem and her humor would have you in stitches (so to speak)….

. I am starting to ramble and so I will end my “CAN you HEAR me NOW?” with a reminder, “Sometimes you swim with the sharks, and some times you get eaten.” Can you hear me now, Jonah?